Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Here is Caroline my BlytheConNY2013 donation!

xoxo Amber

Saturday, August 17, 2013

I am so pleased with Mad! She is so beautiful and her eyes are magical.

Her OOAK ensemble is made entirely by hand, without the use of any patterns. Every piece has been hand sewn.

OOAK Hat has been made from felt, antique lace, tattered fabrics, beads, and a small peacock feather

Mad has been adopted


Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Anna & Ari - Neo Blythe & Middie Sisters! 

Look at those eyes! I used a different technique for each eye and the mismatched eye color is divine.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Here is my newest custom Blythe Doll


Monday, May 6, 2013

♡ Emma has been adopted 

Thank you,


Monday, April 15, 2013

Cecelia has been adopted!

Monday, April 8, 2013

♡ Juliet has been adopted ♡

Thank you!

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Eye Chip Painting Tutorial!!!!
By HelloBlythe

The most important part about eye chip painting is to let each coat dry completely before painting another coat. The longer you let a coat dry, the more depth it will give and the more realistic they will look. 

100/0 paint brush (I use a Camlon Pro Plata #630)
Another slightly bigger paint brush
FolkArt 670 Metallic Blue Pearl
FolkArt 4034 Metallic Silver Sterling
Tamiya x-2 white
Lumiere 570 Pearlescent Blue
Eye chips

Close up of how small the tip is

First paint the pupils black. After that dries,  paint the rim with silver and let dry

Then use the micro brush and paint silver lines (this is a picture of how I actually hold and paint the lines, towards the end, I realized painting using outward strokes was much easier to help steady my hands and get straighter lines.) Let dry completely before moving on to the next step

Now mix a little white with the blue to make a slightly lighter color

Then paint lots of little lines next to the silver lines (remember to use the outward strokes to get straighter lines) and let dry

Mix a touch of the dark blue into the blue we've been using, to create a slightly darker tone

Paint darker blue lines next to the lighter blue lines, and let dry.

(This is where you can stop and add another coat to fully cover the chips 

you can continue onto the next step)

Take the dark blue and paint the entire back of the chips and let dry

Once completely dry, you can turn over and see your eyes! I find the full layer of dark blue helps add depth and makes them look more realistic

The end!

I hope this helps you!

Thank you 

Monday, April 1, 2013


Kate is now sold, but I still wanted to post her beautiful pictures for those of you who did not get to see her (or the gorgeous view!)

Hi Friends! 

I haven't updated this in a little while, but a lot has been going on!

Most recently, I finished a custom girl for BlytheCon Barcelona! Isn't Maggie Adorable?!


Thursday, January 10, 2013

Melody and Britney are both Sold!

*Click here to be added to my newsie to be the first to see work in progress pictures and my latest customs:

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